I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant or if it's because there is a man that sits in front of me at church who looks like him, or what but lately I have been wanting to watch the slideshow from my grandpa's memorial. In our various moves we somehow misplaced the only copy we had. Luckily I have a techy husband who not only made the slideshow but was wise enough to save a copy of it on one of our many hard drives. After causally mentioning once or twice that I wanted to watch it, he lovingly burned me another copy and left me alone to watch and cry.
It's the type of video I like to watch every once in awhile, but not everyday due to the obvious emotional response it generates for me. Gracie on the other hand, finds a movie she likes and wants to watch it everyday for weeks at a time. She likes this "movie". I have since watched it about 4 times in the last week so I shouldn't have been surprised when "out of nowhere" I had an overwhelming desire to hug my grandpa. To the point that it brought me to tears. It has been just over four years since he passed away. He was almost 69. I miss him.