July 13, 2011

Blerg-ity Blerg blerg blerg

Ha! I just installed the blogger app on my phone thinking I should get back into posting and look what I find! An unpublished post from almost exactly two years ago! Wow how life has changed! Hopefully I'll give you a much more updated update soon for now, enjoy this old jem. :)

That's kinda how I feel lately. Not very much is going on but at the same time I feel like I haven't had time to just relax. Is that just life with two kids? Don't ask me, I really couldn't give you a straight answer at this point.

Okay! Enough about how blah I feel and onward to the info I know you are all DYING for. Ellie is now almost five months old. I can't believe how fast it has gone! I can't believe its been 5 months but at the same time I can't remember what life was like before she got here. Although I do remember that I was more rested... I'm up to two, sometimes three cups of coffee a day. Ouch. She used to be a good sleeper. She was going between 7 and 11 hours between feedings and now she's up every 2 1/2-4 hours. Reflux has been fun. Her medicine made her constipated, so we stopped giving that to her. The constipation seemed to bug her more than the reflux so I figure I can deal with lots of spit up and just do lots of the girls' laundry. Blerg. Ellie got her first tooth on the 6th of September. Wow. Way earlier than Gracie. She was like 9 months old when she got her first.

Grace is a silly and opinionated three year old. I don't think I will ever understand how someone can make me die laughing one second and make me want to pull my hair out the next. I can tell you one thing for sure, I'm glad she has her silly and goofy side otherwise I don't think we'd make it through the grouchy times. Steve and I are learning more about her everyday and trying to turn what we learn into ways to help her be a well rounded person. It is not easy, that's for sure!

I'm amazed at how different my girls are already. They do have quite a bit in common but they are their own person!!! Gracie was such an easy baby, slept though the night at less then 8 weeks, didn't spit up much at all, super easy going. She is however, a challenging preschooler. Ellie is a little more work. She still doesn't sleep though the night, she has reflux so she's constantly spitting up and she knows what she likes and wants and has no problem letting you know if it's not right. We'll she how is as she gets older. She is also very happy. It doesn't take much to get a smile or a laugh from her. Grace is the same way. I feel blessed to have such happy children in spite of all the rough parts.

Both of my girls have this really high pitched scream when they're upset. I literally have a physical reaction to it in my brain. I don't know how or why my mom had as many as she did. I'm overwhelmed with my two I can't imagine raising 7!