January 30, 2012


Grace turns four in two days. Her party is three days after that. I'm a little stressed. 50 people so far are coming with another 10-20 possible. Needless to say I've been a little stressed on how to feed that many people on a budget. Church on Sunday was about peace. There is no way I could dive into everything Pastor Jim covered here so I'm just going to encourage you to listen to it. It's good. You can find it here once it is uploaded to the website: http://itunes.apple.com/podcast/new-life-church-everett/id122166998

On the way home from church, I was again thinking about what to serve, how to get it there, how messy it will be, etc, etc. Steve got a verse a day flip calendar for Christmas and I've really enjoyed reading the topics everyday. After I got home I was just going about my day still kinda thinking and processing how and what to do when I realized I hadn't changed the day over.

Here is what it said:

"The wisdom that comes from God is first of all pure, then peaceful, gentle and easy to please" James 3:17

"The heart of Jesus was pure. The Savior was adored by thousands, yet content to live a simple life...Jesus' heart was peaceful. The disciples fretted over the need to feed thousands, but not Jesus. He thanked God for the problem. The disciples shouted for fear in the storm, but not Jesus. He slept through it. Peter drew his sword to fight the soldiers, but not Jesus. He lifted his hand to heal. His heart was at peace."

Something I didn't even realize until right now, Grace's story in Sunday School was about how Jesus fed thousands with one basket of bread and fish. Okay God, I'm getting it.

Thank you for continuing to reveal yourself to me. Thank you Jesus my child is so loved that over 50 people would want to come and celebrate her. Give me peace in planning and throwing her party. Thank you for the food we will eat, help me not to stress about having enough. Thank you for blessing us with people who love us in spite of our weaknesses.

I'm going to hang the pictures Gracie colored in class by the food as a reminder that God provides.

January 23, 2012


1. I can't sleep with socks on.
2. When I load the silverware in the dishwasher, I put one piece in each spot and then circle around so all the spots have the same number of pieces in them.
3. I love washing and drying laundry but I hate folding and putting it away.
4. I freakishly enjoy scraping ice off the windows of my car. (Like, I would love to not park in the garage so that I have ice to scrape)
5. I can't wait to have grey hair and wrinkles.
6. I would love to be a surrogate someday.
7. I'm addicted to Fruit Ninja
8. I like to have the volume on even numbers. If it's on an odd number, I change it. 5's are ok because they can be easily divided. 7 is fine. If it's on 6 I change it to either 5 or 7. (only true for single digits, 16, 26, 36, etc are fine, 17, 27, 37, etc are not. 15, 25, 35 etc are still ok. Get it?)
9. I still love watching my wedding slideshow.
10. I am addicted to aprons. I have at least 5. (and I don't wear them that often)
11. When I light a candle, I burn both ends of the match because if I don't I feel like I'm wasting it.
12. I am so competitive at games I've had people say they won't play with me anymore.
13. I was not prepared for how constant being a mom is. There are no vacation or sick days. No "15's" or lunch breaks.
14. I hate that I yell at my children
15. I don't do well with lack of sleep.
16. I am not a nice person in the middle of the night.
17. I hate breastfeeding.
18. I have been diagnosed with Postpartum depression.
19. I feel so shamed by number 18.
20. I am lonely most of the time.
21. I have a deep desire to have close friends. The kind of friends that are so close they are like an extension of my family.
22. I love my sisters. They make me who I am. I don't have to say anything and they get it. They get me. They know my past (and my present for that matter) and they still love and accept me.
23. I really enjoy being involved with Mops at my church. I would love to be closer to a lot of the women there.
24. Most of the time I am ok with my body. Even if it is 70lbs heavier than when I was in high school.
25. I love having things that belonged to my family. My grandparents dining room table, my grammie's jewelry box from Japan, my grandpa's rocking chair, a bookshelf Steve's grandpa made. I feel closer to them just having these things in my home.
26. I want another baby but the thought of having a boy scares me after having two girls.
27. I love snuggling.
28. Someday I want a house with a big front porch and lots of parking so I can have people over.
29. My husband is a better cook than I am... and I'm ok with that.
30. I like watching football and by "watching football" I mean having it on the t.v. while I do other things and randomly check the score.
31. I love planning parties. Birthday parties, baby showers, bridal showers, you name it, I like it!
32. I can't wait to be a grandma someday.
33. I know Gods not done working in me.