2. When I load the silverware in the dishwasher, I put one piece in each spot and then circle around so all the spots have the same number of pieces in them.
3. I love washing and drying laundry but I hate folding and putting it away.
4. I freakishly enjoy scraping ice off the windows of my car. (Like, I would love to not park in the garage so that I have ice to scrape)
5. I can't wait to have grey hair and wrinkles.
6. I would love to be a surrogate someday.
7. I'm addicted to Fruit Ninja
8. I like to have the volume on even numbers. If it's on an odd number, I change it. 5's are ok because they can be easily divided. 7 is fine. If it's on 6 I change it to either 5 or 7. (only true for single digits, 16, 26, 36, etc are fine, 17, 27, 37, etc are not. 15, 25, 35 etc are still ok. Get it?)
9. I still love watching my wedding slideshow.
10. I am addicted to aprons. I have at least 5. (and I don't wear them that often)
11. When I light a candle, I burn both ends of the match because if I don't I feel like I'm wasting it.
12. I am so competitive at games I've had people say they won't play with me anymore.
13. I was not prepared for how constant being a mom is. There are no vacation or sick days. No "15's" or lunch breaks.
14. I hate that I yell at my children
15. I don't do well with lack of sleep.
16. I am not a nice person in the middle of the night.
17. I hate breastfeeding.
18. I have been diagnosed with Postpartum depression.
19. I feel so shamed by number 18.
20. I am lonely most of the time.
21. I have a deep desire to have close friends. The kind of friends that are so close they are like an extension of my family.
22. I love my sisters. They make me who I am. I don't have to say anything and they get it. They get me. They know my past (and my present for that matter) and they still love and accept me.
23. I really enjoy being involved with Mops at my church. I would love to be closer to a lot of the women there.
24. Most of the time I am ok with my body. Even if it is 70lbs heavier than when I was in high school.
25. I love having things that belonged to my family. My grandparents dining room table, my grammie's jewelry box from Japan, my grandpa's rocking chair, a bookshelf Steve's grandpa made. I feel closer to them just having these things in my home.
26. I want another baby but the thought of having a boy scares me after having two girls.
27. I love snuggling.
28. Someday I want a house with a big front porch and lots of parking so I can have people over.
29. My husband is a better cook than I am... and I'm ok with that.
30. I like watching football and by "watching football" I mean having it on the t.v. while I do other things and randomly check the score.
31. I love planning parties. Birthday parties, baby showers, bridal showers, you name it, I like it!
32. I can't wait to be a grandma someday.
33. I know Gods not done working in me.
Amen! I agree with the being lonely. I'm lonely a lot too.
don't be ashamed that you hate breastfeeding. I hate it too. I was SO glad to be done with Heidi.
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